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Farhad Karim

Farhad Karim

Sex: Male

Vlogging, Blogging ,Traveling Camping, Hiking
27 Years Old
Studied Tourism Management and now Working as a Tourist Operater in Hunza valley. I am arranging Camping ,Hiking and Providing Transport, Accommodation and food if someone went there services in Hunza you can contact me.
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Farhad Karim

#Hunza is a mountainous valley in the autonomous Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan. Hunza is situated in the northern part of Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan, bordering with Ishkoman to the northwest, Shigar to the southeast, Afghanistan's Wakhan Corridor to north, and the Xinjiang region of China to the northeast

Farhad Karim
Farhad Karim
3 years ago,
#Hunza is a mountainous valley in the autonomous Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan. Hunza is situated in the northern part of Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan, bordering with Ishkoman to the northwest, Shigar to the southeast, Afghanistan's Wakhan Corridor to north, and the Xinjiang region of China to the northeast

Farhad Karim

#Hunza is a mountainous valley in the autonomous Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan. Hunza is situated in the northern part of Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan, bordering with Ishkoman to the northwest, Shigar to the southeast, Afghanistan's Wakhan Corridor to north, and the Xinjiang region of China to the northeast#

Farhad Karim
Farhad Karim
3 years ago,
#Hunza is a mountainous valley in the autonomous Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan. Hunza is situated in the northern part of Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan, bordering with Ishkoman to the northwest, Shigar to the southeast, Afghanistan's Wakhan Corridor to north, and the Xinjiang region of China to the northeast#

Farhad Karim

#Hunza is a mountainous valley in the autonomous Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan. Hunza is situated in the northern part of Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan, bordering with Ishkoman to the northwest, Shigar to the southeast, Afghanistan's Wakhan Corridor to north, and the Xinjiang region of China to the northeast

Farhad Karim
Farhad Karim
3 years ago,
#Hunza is a mountainous valley in the autonomous Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan. Hunza is situated in the northern part of Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan, bordering with Ishkoman to the northwest, Shigar to the southeast, Afghanistan's Wakhan Corridor to north, and the Xinjiang region of China to the northeast

Farhad Karim


Farhad Karim
Farhad Karim
3 years ago,

Farhad Karim

#hunza #gilgitbaltistan #tour #farhadkarimvlogs

Farhad Karim
Farhad Karim
3 years ago,
#hunza #gilgitbaltistan #tour #farhadkarimvlogs

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