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Shakh Rashal Ahmed

Shakh Rashal Ahmed

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Shakh Rashal Ahmed

Visiting Germany may not seem as culturally different as visiting somewhere in Asia, Africa, or Lattin America, but Germany has plenty of rules, social norms and other things to know before visiting Germany. Knowing them will not only reduce the likelihood of offending someone, but it’ll give you a deeper understanding and appreciation of German culture.

Adam Baker
Adam Baker , 3 years ago


Shakh Rashal Ahmed
Shakh Rashal Ahmed
4 years ago,
Visiting Germany may not seem as culturally different as visiting somewhere in Asia, Africa, or Lattin America, but Germany has plenty of rules, social norms and other things to know before visiting Germany. Knowing them will not only reduce the likelihood of offending someone, but it’ll give you a deeper understanding and appreciation of German culture.

Adam Baker
Adam Baker , 3 years ago


Shakh Rashal Ahmed

With its stunning beaches, friendly people, unspoilt countryside and tasty local cuisine, Portugal is, unsurprisingly, one of Europe's most popular travel destinations.

Shakh Rashal Ahmed
Shakh Rashal Ahmed
4 years ago,
With its stunning beaches, friendly people, unspoilt countryside and tasty local cuisine, Portugal is, unsurprisingly, one of Europe's most popular travel destinations.

Shakh Rashal Ahmed

10 things to know before you arrive in Dubai

Shakh Rashal Ahmed
Shakh Rashal Ahmed
4 years ago,
10 things to know before you arrive in Dubai

Shakh Rashal Ahmed

Shakh Rashal Ahmed
Shakh Rashal Ahmed
4 years ago,

Shakh Rashal Ahmed

Shakh Rashal Ahmed
Shakh Rashal Ahmed
4 years ago,

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